
All posts on this site have been divided into seven rough topics. These are to help you find the content you are most interested in. Of course there is a lot of overlap too and general articles will tend to be placed in the Biotechnology category. Below is a brief description of each category and what it is about. You can find out about the pictures used in each banner here.

The Biotechnology category is the heart of content on the site, information about new technologies and applications of genetic engineering and synthetic biology.

The Biology category distinguishes itself from Biotechnology by being more about science (our understanding of the natural world) than applications. Our understanding of biology underlies all biological engineering as well as being a by-product of it. This category will also cover exciting biological discoveries, particularly those with relevance to biotechnology.

Bioart can refer to a large number of things. It can mean art which uses biology as a substrate or art which seeks to expose/illuminate aspects of biology to its viewers. Such art helps us understand the implications of biotechnology, as well as its promises. Design and art can also be used to help us imagine where biological engineering can take us in the future. These visions inspire and drive the engineers of the future.

Genetic engineering and synthetic biology both raise important ethical considerations which communities, scientists, policy makers, and more need to discuss. When we have the power to engineer and modify life, we need to start considering our own roles in the universe – as well as the risks and benefits of the technologies we are developing.

Science fiction is inspired by science and yet also shapes and drives science itself. Science fiction can give us great ideas or equally harrowing warnings. This category covers science fiction which touches on genetic engineering and asks: “What lessons can we learn from these?”

The movers and shakers of the genetic revolution are as numerous as they are diverse in background. But they are really just the tip of the iceberg, the first settlers on a new shore – with boatloads of other explorers following close in tow. This category looks at the opinions of experts and non-experts alike, trying to get an idea of how the different sides of this movement see themselves.

Other Topics is a category for topics which are not strictly speaking biological engineering but which are closely related or relevant. This includes things such as robotics, computing, cyborgs, artificial intelligence, biomimetics (bio-inspired engineering), nanotechnology, synthetic organic chemistry, artificial/simulated life (not to be confused with synthetic life), transhumanism, and other related social movements (eg. biopunk). These technologies and their interactions with synthetic biology are important as they allow us to place biological engineering into a broader context.