Contact Details
For all general inquiries, content submissions, or suggestions please email me at: .
I can also be contacted personally at .
Submission Details
This website welcomes content submissions from anyone. I accept any of the following types of submissions:
- Interesting news/discoveries I can post about.
- Your own work which you’d like to share.
- Links to useful resources which are not currently listed.
- Opinion pieces.
- Anything else relevant to the site.
I can’t guarantee that I will post your submission and reserve the right not to – but all submissions are appreciated! All articles which are posted as a result of a submission will include the name of the person(s) who submitted the article – if you’d like to be named please provide your name in your submission email (you may also provide a website/email which I can link your name to). If you would like to submit anonymously then please state so in your submission email.