Synthetic Biology

Video of the Week #1: Synthetic Biology Explained

This article is rated Beginner, it is a good introduction to the topic.This is the first “Video of the Week” post. Each week I will be posting one interesting video about genetic engineering, synthetic biology, or anything else relevant to this site. Videos will range vastly in length, content difficulty, etc. – they will include introduction videos, documentaries, public lectures/debates, news reports, or interesting animations. Anything which is a video is eligible. If you think you know an interesting video which we should show, make sure to contact us.

To kick us off we have “Synthetic Biology Explained”, a video by James Hutson of Bridge8 – hosted by TechNyou. It is quite a nicely presented introduction to Synthetic Biology. For this reason it has also been added to the learning page on Synthetic Biology.

Make sure to come back every Tuesday for a new Video of the Week!

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What better thing to make the first post of the site than an iGEM project? E.chromi was the winning project of iGEM (the international genetically engineered machines competition) in 2009, created by a team of undergraduate students from Cambridge. E.chromi is a great example of how biobricks can easily be combined to create important novel applications. In the case of E.Chromi this application is being able to easily detect the presence of certain chemicals (such as toxins) within drinking water – or even within a person’s own body.

Check out some videos on E.chromi after the break.

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